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Stories from United States: Page 1
I Dreamt Of My 3 Selves by Angela Holladay PhD
05/02/2019 6:30 AM - I woke up at this time and wrote down this dream: In this lucid dream... (there were another 6 of me also, but those 6 went somewhere else)... THERE ARE 3 OF ME: 1. Past 2. Present 3. Future ("Myself" which is what I immediately called myself when realizing our names...
Very Scary Yet An Eye Opener by MELISSAP
So about three years ago I was helping a friend get her house ready to move in. Her mother-in-law had passed and left her and her husband the home. We were painting very late due to that was the only time I had free to lend a hand, So I was stating facts to her that I would have no clue about that h...
Sleep Paralysis And Demonic Dreams by Chadwik
I used to dread the night because I would have the same nightmare over and over again. A reoccurring nightmare. One night, when I was 15 years old, I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night. My parental unit forbade me from hanging around with my best friend, Ben; likewise, Ben's mother ...
Astral Projection Experiences From My Journal by Aros
I've known from an early age that we are far more than our physical bodies. Leaving my body at night with full consciousness was almost as common as eating lunch or riding my BMX bike around the neighborhood. I naturally assumed everyone did this (consciously) at night time so I was pretty perplexed...
Ascension? by JoePye
Thank you for taking time to read this! I'm submitting this because I wanted to share with you my experience and I'm looking for insight/advice. The experience was, words really can't describe but what gets close is, a life changing event. I recorded my experience the day after it occurred. The reco...
A Black Ocean by Gremthena
I haven't posted in some time for many reasons. I feel that lucid dreaming and astral projection give me anxiety all together. Although, I would love to share my experiences now. I would like to see others views on this. It's a very fuzzy memory so please bare with me. I remember open water, it look...
Experience While Meditating On A Mandala by Bear1977
I was laying down on my couch and watching a video of a mandala while meditating, all at once I was in a place where I was a torus field that was made of every color imaginable. I had no sense of my body or this reality. There was a vibration so intense that I had to pull away from it, I felt like I...
A Weird Event by Svetlana Sonday
I astral project all the time. I heard a noise outside my mom's bedroom last night after I did it. It sounded like a beep. I think it was someone from, "Mystery Diagnosis," trying to talk to me. My home is haunted. I have electrical problems a lot in it! Someone please do an exorcism on me, and my h...
Hello Stranger by ForestShepherd
I'm not sure where to start really, but I think I have been astral projecting often or having someone or something astral projecting to me while I sleep. For many years I have seen and been visited by a man, I'm sure I've never met in person so to speak. He always looks so surprised to see me or t...
The Dream Of The Ghostly White Dog by hawkfrost-isrightfulclanleader
Before I begin this story I would like to say any spelling mistakes was because this was written on notepad before and I could've wrote incorrectly on the notepad. But I've put it through an spell checker so it should be alright, also, the I had the dream on 1/4/2020 The dream↓ I was lying o...
The Time I Unknowingly Saved My Mom by GM
It was Monday and I was up early teaching classes online, when I received a frantic phone call from my mom. She apologized for calling so early but stated there was something she must tell me. I paused before she began by tell me how she was sitting inside of her car outside of her apartment. She st...
Almost Astral Projected, I Think? by Anonymoose
This story takes place in my bed between the times of 3:50-4:20 AM (not completely sure; I was on my phone, fell asleep, then woke up again, then had this O.B.E/astral projection). I apologize, but I should preface this with some important information and it may take long. PLEASE NOTE: I am very...
The Art Of Reality Checks by S3th
My first realized out-of-body happened January 7th, 1996. I had been journaling my dreamtime experiences for the previous four months. They had become increasingly vivid and lengthy. I had been reading Robert Monroe's "JOURNEYS OUT OF THE BODY". I had made several attempts, using alert-relax...
Vision While Driving by Bebe
In 2008, I was going through a hard divorce, I did not take it well, I was deeply sadden. I was unable to sleep and often woke up in the middle of the night upset. So being a smoker, I would go outside to sit on the patio. That is when I started having visions. I was unaware of the dangers in store ...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something More by Gremthena
I'm fairly new here. I wanted to share my story with anyone who will read and give feedback because I'm honestly tired of having these odd nightmares. I've always had weird, bizarre dreams. I think the first one started off with me coming out of my body and watching myself sleep. I do remember that ...
Strange Sequence Of Dreams by Mimi and Poppy Adams
While on a holiday camping trip my husband and I and two of our friends were sharing a 2 room tent. Sometime after midnight I was having a nightmare that someone, or something, was trying to get me. It's like I was half asleep in the dream but still unable to fight what was going on. I remember seei...
Confusing Dreams by Rose123
I have always been an active dreamer, but a lot of my dreams have felt so real. I really don't know how to categorize these Dreams so I will share how these three dreams have haunted me most of my life. The first would be reoccurring thing when I was younger. I would travel to different places in...
Black Mist by Rose123
I've had a lot of paranormal encounters during my teenage years, this one in particular is connected to my Great Grandmother's house. Her game room (which was in the basement) always felt off. It had such a bad energy I never wanted to be in there alone. My great grandmother is a very religious pers...
I Think This Was An O B E, But Never Had It Confirmed. Help? by xXNitemareXx
Back in 2010, my former husband and father of my two eldest children, died of a suspected "hot shot" (heroin laced with battery acid or rat poison). It rocked our world. I had known my former husband since I was 12 years old. Even though we had separated a number of years previously and had both mov...
Beginning Of Astral Projection? by stephanieraymos
I've read a few stories on this website about people having similar experiences and wanted to share mine and get a little advice on how to move forward from here. I used a calming technique from a YouTube video I learned to try to consciously astral project about one year ago, but after hearing the ...
The Shadow Man by LottiTheSeer
This occurred about six or so years ago. I awoke to the sight of the underbelly of a very large scorpion about three inches from my face and I jolted awake to realize I had a false awakening. Later that evening as I was in bed watching tv I noticed a foul odour. This odour reminded me of when I was ...
I Think I'm Close by starrylights
I've been interested in astral projecting for about 11 or 12 years, and as I get older, the more it makes sense to me. When I started learning about it and actively trying to project when I was 10 or 11, I would do everything wrong because I never really understood what I was doing. Luckily, now tha...
Familiar Faces by LottiTheSeer
One night I began to feel on and off electric vibrations throughout my body, as if I was being zapped every few seconds. I thought about the rope technique and decided to try it, so I envisioned a rope hanging down from the ceiling, grabbed it and began pulling myself up out of my body. I knew it wa...
Contacting Spirts To Send To People Dreams by Alicia Brooks
My aunt passed two years ago it has been so ruff for our family she was the one that kept the whole family together no matter what happened. Well the other night before I went to bed I told her to enter my dream when I go to sleep, so I can talk to her and told her I wasn't afraid because if you sca...
A Repetitive Voyage by MetallicHue
10 years ago my life dramatically changed. Or I think it was 10 years ago, I'm not really sure. In December 2009, I had a strange sense of deja vu and then my life flipped upside down. Something seemed off with the world around me, it was like I entered a lucid dream. Then my series of alternate liv...
Vivid Dreaming= What's Next? by moemamaof3
I am looking for help with coming to terms with my dreams. I've always had them. I actually drank myself to sleep for decades to get rid of them. But I got sober years ago and now my dreams are taking a toll on my every day life. I wake up exhausted and overwhelmed. It takes a while to process and t...
New Home New Experiences by LottiTheSeer
Back in 2010, I had met my now Husband and moved to a more rural location just outside of town in north San Diego County. My Husband and I have our own rooms due to my ongoing insomnia and the fact that he snores. The first few months here were uneventful, I had no lucid dreams or obe's and I wonder...
There Were Hundreds Of Them by LottiTheSeer
After seeing what appeared to be an apparition of a tall thin woman, and began having lucid dreams with the occasional OBE, I was very excited about all of this however I didn't really have anybody I could talk to about it. I began reading and doing research on the topic and discovered that these ki...
The Tall Thin Woman by LottiTheSeer
Since I began lucid dreaming I was having them quite frequently, at least a few times a week. I hadn't had any of the visitors until one night when I awoke unable to move. I was laying on my back when this happened and all I could do was move my eyes. I was looking around the room when I noticed som...
Began Lucid Dreaming by LottiTheSeer
I first want to say that I've never had anybody I could talk to about my experiences, at least with anybody who could relate, until I found this website. So please forgive me but the cork is off the bottle and I'm regurgitating everything that I've been keeping to myself most of my life. I'm trying ...
First Two Obe's by LottiTheSeer
When I was very young, no more than the age of six, I shared a room with my younger brother and we would both see a ball of light that would occasionally glide through our room. Being so young at the time we really had no idea what it was, however we weren't afraid of it and gave it a name, White Fl...
The Hag, The Second Visitor by LottiTheSeer
So I was in my twenties and living with my Grandmother, I had my own room in the back of the house and it had been at least ten years since my experience with the thing in the doorway. I didn't think about it all too often however I could never forget it. I awoke in the wee hours of the morning with...
False Awakening, The Thing In The Doorway by LottiTheSeer
To be honest I'm not completely sure what category this falls under however a false awakening seems to fit the best. I was around the age of fifteen at the time and sharing a room with my brother. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning due to feeling cold, when I checked the time it was after thr...
Childhood Experiences by Allie
I have been having astral traveling experiences since I was a child, the first one I can remember with clarity was when I was 4, first I remember falling very slowly out of my body and onto the cold floor. I don't remember any ties or cords that connected me to my sleeping body but I remember seeing...
Vibration/shaking Waking Me Up Several Times A Night by Smltwngirl
I first had this vibrational/ shaking happen to me 5 years ago. It would be this PHYSICAL tremor happen in my chest and torso. It was not scary, but alarming. I was not understanding what is happening with my body. I'm in good health and don't smoke or do drugs. I got on anti- depressants at that...
Experience #1 by Snow_Bunny
My most intriguing and exciting projection, was one in which I went to multiple planets in one night. The first was what I assume to be Mars, or a Mars like planet or star. It was very reddish in color. The entire atmosphere had a red haze to it. And I could feel the heat and the dusty particles in ...
Astral Fail by RASMYKL
Been interested in AP for quite some time, but never sat down and dedicated myself to it. Something within tells me though that AP is where the answers lie to the myriad of questions that I have about past/present/future, my purpose and why things are the way that they are on this earth. It also obv...
Nde? Or Obe? by Patrick
Back in 2002, I had an experience. I am not sure why or how it happened, but it was scary. I was laying in bed and I started to feel really sleepy. I turned the tv off and reached over to turn the light off. The second my fingers touch the little black knob, everything went black. I was falling down...
Is It Sleep Paralysis Or Lucid Dreaming? by Stargazer22
My ex boyfriends name isn't important to mention but why I am mentioning him, is. Just in the year 2017 I've been having reoccurring dreams of me suddenly ending a dream and being blinded. Seeing nothing but pitch blackness. All I hear is either my name being repeated over and over or just random th...
The Entity by John Love
I was playing kick ball and all of a sudden my Soul, Mind and Entity was Outside my human host body, Seeing, and moveing triangularly to apex and at the peak the mountain shaped triangle the Sun Light Shards came too the Entity like S shapes as if the Entity is from the Sun, a Eye In the Triangle En...
Got Shot With A Dart by Jan
This was my first time remote viewing and I am looking for help on this because I don't know if I should worry or if I need to do something to help my astral body as things went down like this. I was tuning into a youtube video called remote viewing with some white noise and it worked to relax yo...
Just A Dream Or Something More? by unicron1000
Greetings, I am an almost 16 year old boy with a firm interest in the supernatural and paranormal areas. And with that, I need help or advice on something that I can hardly even explain. Just last night, technically this morning, I decided to try something I have never done before. I tried to cal...
Santa Barbara Trip by alisaprune
I worked in Santa Monica at a salon on Wilshire Blvd. While I was there a manager from a different location was getting married. The stylists from the salon wanted to go to their bosses wedding. The salon was in Santa Barbara, about 1 hour and 45 minutes away. The owner of both salons decided to put...
Demon In My Dream by Marina_4
One day when my family was in California for vacation I decided I wanted to try astral projection, I put on my headphones turned on some music and tried to go out of my body. It ended up not working and I fell into a deep sleep. (this is where the weird stuff happened.) In my dreams there was my bro...
Dreaming Of The Basement by bresys
I'm not a hundred percent sure if I am even legitimately having experiences, but ever since I was young, I've had dreams that eventually come true. I've also had dreams that seemed to have demonic things in them, or I dream about places I haven't been in a VERY long time, but its like I'm there as i...
First Projection (that I Know Of) Age 8 Or So by robmkivseries70
Good Day, Based on where I lived at the time, I was 7-9 years old and had no idea this was any different from some sort of dream. I remember being 'up' as 'not in bed' but with the ability to fly around inside my house. While it was dark, I was able to see like one might in semi bright moon light. ...
What Was The Vibration? How Can I Wake Up? by GreennRoses
I just found this site and am glad I did. Recently I fell asleep like every night but this time something different happened. I was dreaming and knew I was dreaming. I was sitting at the table with my mom and thought to myself "this can't be right. I'm at home in my bed." my mother just sat there sm...
Wave/vibrating Sensation (what Is Happening?) by followingKsaila95
This is Following here, and it's my first post on this website. Originally I wanted to put this on the Psychic Experiences site but decided that it was probably better suited for this one. If you think it belongs on a different site, though, please tell me in the comments (most likely though I will ...
When I Could See Myself Sleeping by Neil Farren
When I was either 8 or 9, I was having a perfectly normal dream, but then, roughly 5 minutes before I had to wake up for school I suddenly felt myself float out of my body. Then, I could see my body, perfectly. I also could have sworn there was a voice speaking around me. But then my alarm started g...
Astral Projection And Swimming With Whales; Coincidence? by Seeing11
I've been looking into astral projection lately, and about six days ago I had a dream after attempting to practice at it. In the dream I started out in open ocean during the day, swimming about 20 feet below the surface. To be descriptive, the waters were calm and the sunlight reaching into the wate...
Ultraterrestrial Consciousness Abduction by AnecdotalMyers
This may not be the beginning of my story, but this experience, so far, is the source and center of all that I am in this life, and it is definitely the beginning of my awakening. I will continue, after this experience, to write about the myriad other encounters with God and thee Ultra-Natural I've ...
After My Coma And Second Baby This Happened All The Time by Kellie
In 1993 I had made the very selfish decision to take my own life. There was nothing I could think to say to anyone. I felt like my stupid and trivial problems would be such a burdon so I told no one. I knew I was going to do this. I was on autopilot so to speak. I did manage to mention it to my d...
Was I Close To Astral Projecting!? by Jxsho
I'm 21 years old from the US and recently I started learning about astral projection. Okay this is how it all happened, I was laying in bed at night not being able to sleep and I got on youtube and on the home page where it give you suggested videos there was something about astral projection. (Ive ...
Help: Did I See My Past Lives Through Astral Projection? by julie823
I'm not sure if this is an OBE and it probably is not but it certainly concerns the topic of sleeping and dreaming. I have asked almost all my friends and family if they have been someone else in their dreams and their response is always no. I'm an eighteen year old woman and I've had dreams wher...
Terrifying Visit Into The Astral Realm by Alyssa
A year or two ago I had laid down for a nap on my couch. My house was chaotic. Kids were being kids. I remember dozing, and then I saw myself "asleep" on the couch. I saw and heard everything that my children and husband were doing. I saw one child touch me as they tried to wake me up as I floated n...
Message From Deceased Mom While Astral Projecting? by CuriousDee
I'm new to the site and excited to join like minded individuals. I'm not sure if this is the correct category for my experience? If not, please point me in the right direction. 😊 A little background; I started astral projecting about 4 years ago. The first few times it was completely spontaneo...
Astral Projection Of My Ex Boyfriend by Ashley
I was really raging for like months so I decided to mediate before bed somehow I ended up in his parents house undetected and I could see her the girl he's with and him but she couldn't see me but she did so I went to his back porch and he followed me I asked is she hurting you? And he said yes and ...
Sleep Paralysis, Spontaneous Partial Projection by drewlar
Story: My experiences have all been spontaneous, without any knowledge of what they were (at the time), and perceived to be connected to evil. I only stumbled upon OBE and similar descriptions (through the Internet) about a year ago when I started wondering if other people had experienced things ...
My First Detail Oobe by Lavo
I had had a few a few OOBE, but not controllable. I was never sure why I would wake up, be paralyzed, realizing I was awake and sometimes fly, then panic and go back and my body. I knew about Astral Projection but, never to the point that I totally believed it, I had gone to a seminar on Rick Stack ...
Help by Xen-sen
My family and I took the back way to the University of Georgia which involved going through the beautiful mountains. On this day there was a dense fog that made outside barely visible at times. I had been in and out of sleep for the past hour. I remember sitting in the backseat with my legs crossed ...
I Was Possessed By A Goddess In My Dream? by Court
Recently I have been experimenting with smoking mugwort and different herbal combinations of mugwort to enhance lucid dreaming and astral projection. The other night after smoking mugwort I had a very vivid dream in which an unknown Goddess visited me and possessed my body. The dream took place in a...
Would Like Input On My Unintentional Obe by Marcelina Deans
Not quite a week ago, my six-year-old son had just been released from the hospital with a large mass on his neck. I woke up early that morning and fed all my rescue animals and was sitting at my computer, sad and stressed because later that day we were going to see a specialist to determine if they ...
Out Of Body - Into Body - And Back Again by Anonymous
1986/87 - Northern Virginia I had met a young woman at work. It was an accidental contact, really not more than a glance. Perhaps it was the soulmate thing that attracts so much interest. It was instant mutual attraction, if not love itself. Looking back, I loved her then and love her still. W...
Astral Eyes Only Work Please Help by xZackx
I have been trying to astral project mostly every other night and I usually just fall asleep but when I don't really try and just lay there going to sleep and something wakes me up but not all the way it puts me in that meditation kind of state where I sometimes find myself seeing my bedroom but I m...
Needing Some Help by ashalli24
Please be patient with me as this is my very first post:) Let me preface with I have always been different. Even at a young age my Grandma told me that I was different than others and that made me more special. Well, I have obviously seen spirits that sort of thing but this is ENTIRELY different...
"be Not Afraid, It Is I Peter" by jamesfrancis
Let this be for ... Those who have seen their beloved pass from their view... ... Those who lie ill and are without hope... ... Those who are afraid of their human mortality... ... And for those who long for peace with life... The following is my best description of a very personal and a most ...
What Is It And What May Be Next? by MikalH
I'm new here but have had dream issues for 50 plus years starting with nightmares I've not been able to wake up from, to thinking or knowing I was awake and physically being assaulted from invisible and also shadow type figures of which the only way to escape is to control my fear and relax which ma...
Pulled Out Of My Body By A Ghost Boy While Awake by Chelscp11
This story is one I have told on a paranormal website and I got some really good insight on the paranormal aspect of it, but I am looking for some insight to the out of body expieriance as well. I am a 31 year old female. When I was 16 years old, I was at my best friend's house whom I almost liv...
Another Dimension Or Time by Kim
First I must say I have always been able to see spirits since I was just a little girl, but this one is a little different. This has happened to me a few times and have got photo's from both times. The photo's are coming off my surveillance camera's outside my home. I got the camera's because they...
1st Astral Projection by Straypup59
When I was in High School (era mid-1970's) we had a creative literature class that was taught by a very progressive and free-thinking teacher who had us explore various phenomenon based on literary works that she had chosen. Such topics as Pyramid Power and using Crystals for healing was just coming...
Cold Ceiling by Kris
As a child, it was normal for me to be laying in bed, and rising up to the ceiling. I assume it was just astral projection, but at the time it felt like my whole body. I never turned around to see myself. Like I said, it was just normal. I did it all the time, and I think I did it my entire childhoo...
Scared To Astral Project And Lower Astral Plane? by Jaylan
My name is Jaylan and I am 19 years old. I've recently discovered that Pineal Gland (third eye) and astral projection is a thing. I don't believe everything I see on the internet but people are experiencing things similar to me so I know this is true. I started having a lot of sleep paralysis in ...
Lower Vibrational Parasites by Astraleye7
Woke up at 6 am to practice astral projection. As I was laying in bed I set an intention and affirmation that I would let my body fall asleep while keeping my mind awake. At first I kept getting little itches and distractions but I just continued to lay still and let them all come and go. Before I k...
Receiving Voices by MOZR505
I'm not good at this so I'm just going to get to the point. I woke up one morning not feeling very rested. So I got up had breakfast and then decided to go back to sleep. At this point is where it all starts for me. Right before I fall asleep, I hear this flat ringing tone in my ear. Then my body st...
Three Monks And A Man In The Black Suit by KC Vanderberg
Long story short: Recent breakup. Very distraught. Cried out loud for help. Felt abandoned by everyone. Finally fell asleep. Around three-thirty in the morning, I wake up to go to the bathroom and realize I'm completely paralyzed. I can't move except to turn my head from side to side. I can't spe...
A Parallel Universe by Scott M
We've all heard stories of the multiverse and how there are, most likely, an infinite number of universes parallel to ours. This story probably trumps all the weird paranormal activities that have surrounded me my entire life. A slight backstory on myself and when this particular event occurred. ...
My First Experience Of Someone Astral Projecting by Impalass65
Back in May, I moved into a upstairs apartment. At first I experienced nothing out of the ordinary. Then I met my downstairs neighbors and that was when things started to get very strange. The first thing that I noticed was being so tired after I got home from work that I literally would come home a...
Help With Astral Travel by Peachboi
My name is Serenity and I have been attempting astral travel for a few days now. I have only tried it 3 times but I feel as though I am getting really close to having an out of body experience. The first time I tried it was without any guidance, and it was simply me trying it spontaneously. It w...
Ringing In Ears, Trapped, Floating, Paralyzed; What Is This? by Becca
I've been having these bizarre, terrifying experiences off and on for almost 20 years, but most frequently in the past 5 years or so. This week it has happened three times, and although it never occurred to me before to do any research on the internet, my sister suggested it and the first link I loo...
Energy Touching My Back (astral) by realexperiencez
Tonight it is now 1:46AM. I've just astral projected twice but I need some anwsers. I was sleeping and dreaming about lighting incense with my boyfriend when all of a sudden my dream changed and I realize I've astraled again. My body froze and my third eye was opened. I looked around the room (in as...
Out Of Body Experience At Church by Lumak
I found myself at church same as every week, I hadn't slept at all the night before, but all in all I felt fine walking in and sitting down. A few minutes pass, I drink my coffee and I wait for the music to start. The band begins playing and I relax back into my chair a bit, with this strange feelin...
Glittery Baby Blue Humans At Night by realexperiencez
about a week and a half ago, I was sleeping next to my boyfriend and about 4:30am I woke up to use the bathroom and play a little bit of my rpg game on my iphone. When I was done, I turned off the lights and slept on my stomach. I held my boyfriend with my left arm. I couldn't sleep, my eyes opened...
My First Astral Projection Attempt by Lucid220
Today I am going to tell you about my first real astral projection attempt, which was actually just a minute ago. I was lying on my bed. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths for a few minutes (Should it have been longer?). Then I got a really light tingling sensation in my foot, like gentle e...
Dream Stories by Lucid220
Today, I'm going to talk about my lucid dream. I had it, what, half a year ago? Something like that. Anyway, in the dream I was a ghost buster, weird, I know. But it was different. There the was this vile of green liquid, and whenever it spilled a ghost spawned. I realized I was dreaming near th...
Astral Projection Thought Experiments And Astrophysics by RFX
For as long as I can recall, music has been a big aspect in my life as far as my emotional state. It has this way of invoking emotion in a way quite like nothing else can compare to. One thing I always wanted to learn was the piano which up until recently, I haven't been able to play as well as I wa...
Attempting Astral Projection by Kjbay
I've been interested in learning more about myself spiritually. I've been attempting Astral projection and each time I get near the vibrational part something goes wrong and I snap out of it. So I've been wanting to get a few books on projecting but I'm not sure how to tell my parents about it. ...
Astral Journey To The End Of The Earth by Morgoth37
Astral Journey to the End of the Earth This experience was a very profound one for me psychologically for many reasons. Due to the extreme distance into the future of the journey, I was "marooned" for a long time on a dying and dead planet. Due to the extreme time dilation effect*, that I hadn't...
Attempting My First Astral Projection by SnakeBuzz
So I've always been into this spiritual stuff right. Well a few months ago I was just minding my own business, trying to sleep as usual. When all of the sudden, my body goes into this vibrational state. Now during that first (as you may call it "sleep paralysis") experience I was scared out of my wi...
White Specks by Lyndsey Vasquez
My husband and I were at a rally a bike rally more I believe that God is helping us renew our relationship and bring us closer together because of things in our life that are happening. But only took the pictures they are the white specs were all over him mainly but they were also on me and no one e...
Children In Spiritual Places by kchristopher
In the late 1970s, when I was a young adult, I had one of the most unexpected but emotionally impactful encounters that I've ever had. I was alone in my house one day and was praying in my bedroom. Suddenly a misty dimensional opening appeared and within a few moments three small children walked out...
Planting Subliminal Thoughts/actions by fullmoon
This is really freaking me out and I'd like to know if anyone else here has had a similar experience and can explain to me what it going on. My boyfriend of 4 months and I have a very strange and very strong connection: at times it's as if we can pick up on each other's thoughts, and, often, he sa...
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