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Scared To Astral Project And Lower Astral Plane?


My name is Jaylan and I am 19 years old. I've recently discovered that Pineal Gland (third eye) and astral projection is a thing. I don't believe everything I see on the internet but people are experiencing things similar to me so I know this is true.

I started having a lot of sleep paralysis in 8 grade, around that time I used to have a lot of fear in me. Me and my friends in school would always talk about the illuminati and devil and all that stuff and even though it scared me it was still interesting to me. My grandpa ex girlfriend that died would come in the house and I would sense her presence (I live with my mom and grandpa). When she came around I felt her negativity and I would get the chills, I talk to my mom about it and my mom don't sense or feel anything. In the day when school was over, as I step through my front door I would sense her to the point that I was scared to even come home after school. I was scared to close my eyes even to wash my face in the morning, whenever I close my eyes it's like I feel her more. I used to be scared of sleep paralysis because when I am in it I always think it's ghost all around me that I can't see and they are holding me down for what ever reason and I would remember what me and my friends talked about at school about the devil and then my mind start playing tricks on me, and one time I was in it I tried my hardest to move and I heard a loud heavy thunder and I jumped up and the sound just cut off then asked my mom if she heard anything and she said no.

BUT this one particular night I was fighting the sleep as usual (because I didn't want to close my eyes and sleep) but I got trapped in the sleep paralysis, at this time sleep paralysis is like nothing to me so in my head I said "no not this again" and was cursing and trying to move like "get me out" (I don't always do this normally I would just pray and try to move my fingers and toes) But as I was like "get me out!" I remember something I read online, it told me to get up and wash my face so I'm like yes I will go do that so it can keep me up. So I started trying as hard as I can to move my right hand and move move my feet to get off the bed and all of a sudden I was up and I was in the bathroom, it was dark so I tried to turn the lights on and it was like my fingers went though the light switch and as I tried to turn the water on it wasn't working and I looked in the mirror and it was dark so I couldn't see myself and I don't remember what happen after that.

(Now that I am older and know more about it, I think I teleported to the bathroom because my mind was set to go there and wash my face and when my finger went through the light switch, at the time it was like nothing to me, my first thought was "maybe the lights went out" but I don't know why that thought came in my head because the lights never went out here and I've been living here for 8 years).

That was middle school. Now I'm in college and I've learn a lot, my grandpa stopped his ex that died from coming in our home (I don't know how and I don't care I'm just glad) now a days I still get sleep paralysis but not as much, and when I'm in it a feel heavy vibrations and from what I read I know I'm close to leaving my body, but I always resist it and wake up. I'm scared to astral project because I don't know what's next after leaving the body and I don't want to experience that darkness again.


- did I really astral project?

- did I experience the darkness and go to a lower astral plain because of the fear she gave me?

- now that I don't fear a lot, will I still go to lower astrals?

- if I astral project now what's next after leaving the body and would I be in this dimension or would I instantly travel somewhere else and see demons.

- why was my consciousness so low that I didn't know I wasn't awake?

- how do I raise my level of consciousness?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jaylan, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Laura (guest)
5 years ago (2019-05-16)
I used to astral project and have sleep paralyze as a kid around 7 or 9. I remember a few times seeing my body sleeping in a dark room with light engulfed only my body but yet I was seeing this up in the air I don't know what it was really. I also used to have nightmares bad. Sometimes I was aware I was sleeping and couldn't move or wake up even tho I kept telling g myself to wake up most times I would stop breathing and I would again tell myself to " breath wake up wake up" eventually I would snap out of it gasping for air that was the most scary thing I have ever been thru. My sisblings and I also thought our house was haunted by a baby we would hear ceying at night and cupboarda and drawers would open in the kitchen without anyone being in there. I experienced a lot of trauma in my youth but after all that stuff happened I turned to go started praying for god to make me forget everything bad thing that has happened to me block it whatever and it worked I don't remember much of my childhood at all. I guess its a good thing I no longer astral project or have sleep paralysis anymore as a adult. It only happened as a child like I saif I prayed to god to take away all my memories of all that stuff that happened to me.
Jen (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-08)
I would add that if you are doing astral projection or any time when you are aafraid, yo u should always remember to use the name. And power of Jesus Christ. Even if you don't fully believe in him, he believes in you and loves you. Try this next time you feel scared and want out of oobe. I did and the entitiy immediatly let go of my leg and could wake up. There's power in Jesus name. Nothing trumps it in any dimension. I would stick to remote viewing and oobe but don't intentionally try to astrl trvl. You can bring things back with you that you can't get rid of.
Linkinparkakash (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-02)
Oh, that was good experience, Hi, I'm also 19, and I had astral projection several times.
Here are the answers of your questions.
1. Did I really astral project?
Ans: Yes, it was astral projection where your soul/spirit/astral body left your physical body entering into 4th dimension.

2. Did I experience the darkness and go to a lower astral plain because of the fear she gave me?
Ans: Umm, I'm not sure about the darkness part, but if you were afraid you are much likely to be encountered by lower dimensional beings.

3. Now that I don't fear a lot, will I still go to lower astrals?
Ans: No, if you don't fear, you will not go to lower planes, you just need to keep your vibrations high by positive and beautiful or happy thoughts and try to avoid fear, if you fear, you will likely to be encountered by lower dimensional beings, but you don't have to be afraid of anything because they can't harm you, your fear is the only thing they will use to harm.

4. If I astral project now what's next after leaving the body and would I be in this dimension or would I instantly travel somewhere else and see demons.
Ans: Teleportation is possible by astral body so you can go anywhere you want, and do not be afraid of encountering demons, you can ask your spirit guides or God to ask protection and simply ask demons to leave and don't be afraid.

5. Why was my consciousness so low that I didn't know I wasn't awake?
Ans: Umm, Maybe because you didn't have that much knowledge what's happening that time, but now you know, so you will be aware next time you project. do I raise my level of consciousness?
Ans: You can practice meditation to raise the level of consciousnesses, just be aware of your existence, feel your whole body, feel the environment, and say in your mind that "I'm aware" while meditating or attempting to astral project.

7. How do you know if you're astral projecting instead of lucid dreaming?
Ans: You will feel your spirit/astral body/soul leaving your physical body, literally lifting and when you come back you will feel that it's returning, pay attention to that feeling because lucid dreaming doesn't have this...

I hope my answers will be somewhat helpful to you, thank you for posting your experience, God bless you, stay safe and positive.
Jaylan (1 stories) (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-27)
One question I forgot. How do you know if you're astral projecting instead of lucid dreaming? 🤔

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