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Your Astral Experiences

I Dreamt Of My 3 Selves


05/02/2019 6:30 AM - I woke up at this time and wrote down this dream:

In this lucid dream... (there were another 6 of me also, but those 6 went somewhere else)...


1. Past

2. Present

3. Future ("Myself" which is what I immediately called myself when realizing our names.)

I got to experience the subjective knowing and objective knowing, simultaneously. I knew that I knew from hearing one say it, but also at that same moment, I had known it, too. Experiencing the emotions and feelings of knowing by Subjectively feeling, and knowing by Objectively acquiring the knowledge. Both sides of the coin. If "Me-Past" was Blue and "Me-Present" was Yellow, then my own comprehension of simultaneously experiencing myself as myself and myself because of myself = Would be Green!

We all three know at the same time that we are three individual people, we sorta look like sisters I guess.

I can only choose to save my life one time, during the past, present, and future.

"Myself" is a Doctor.

And "Me-Present" said to "Me-Past" that "Myself" is about to become world famous, wealthy, and extremely successful.

Have zero idea what this is. I remember seeing it and hearing it in my dream. That's going to make me wealthy.

I (Past & Present me's) remember watching Future (myself) walk across the street in some big city like NY or Japan, or somewhere. And "Me-Past" says to "Me-Present" it's because of HollaMallaDay. Very trippy & wild.

And Consciously, we are all Self-Aware of being Self-Aware about being Aware of Self (Selves). All at the same time, but with our different perspectives.

It reminds me of a Circle with 3 evenly spaced lines extending out from the circle. If you were to extend the lines through the circle to where all lines intersect and then drew a large circle around it, it would look like a Mercedes Benz emblem.


Is actually hola mahalla day. A festival every year in March, originated in India. Hmmmm. It's a real thing.

At the end of the dream, we were in that big city at night. There was a corner of Reality peeled at the top of the starry sky, folding down on itself, waiting for us. It's like we all knew we had to make the choice of who would go through that rip in the Fabric of Space-Time and step into the current time line of Existence.

We decided it would be "My Future Self" who'd go. And a voice on the other side said, "Okay, but you're going to miss some things..." And I stepped up and through to the other side.

And that was it. I'm guessing we all three were in different time-lines, living completely different lives. Until we met, some how.

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