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Stories from Australia: Page 1
Astral Astronaut Article And My Dream Part Ii by Cherrykye
So continuing on as I got the bottom of the black room of airy light space I entered the bottom chamber which was round like being in the bottom of Genies bottle. The space was where the gravity originates and it looked like the walls were black with bright colours mainly yellow, red, blue and green...
Astral Astronaut Article And My Dream Part I by Cherrykye
So first of all let me just say that I made this account because of that article; It's trippy how that article described my experience. Secondly I am a bit sensitive and have had my fair share of experiences and I have an out there view on what I think is what the world is. Also I like science but a...
Lucid Dreaming? by Mea2036
Sorry if this story is long or boring, it's just a good thing to be able to talk about these experiences with others who have been part of it. This is not a story about myself, but my boyfriend of 6 years at that time. We live in Australia and since coming into my family he has been introduced into ...
Lucid Dreaming Experience - Encountering My Twin by midnightsilentecho
28th December 2018 I was laying down on my bed with some new lucid dreaming meditation music going, thinking ' I might give this a go and see what happens '. I started relaxing and just gently focusing on my third eye, and in my mind I was thinking of my twin for some unusual reason, so I just wen...
Confused And Scared Please Help by mystique050103
This has happened about three different nights now each time I have felt nothing but fear because I feel like I am going to float away. I have insomnia so when I finally go to bed I am completely exhausted, I start to sleep I get annoying little itches in different places then all of a sudden I'm...
Need Avice From An Experienced Ober Please? by iwantanobe
My husband has just passed away unexpectedly and I'm riddled with pain, we had a very special soul relationship and I'm lost without him. I want to ask him if he's ok. So I want to have an OBE with the hope of seeing him. Yesterday I was reading advice on the internet for inducing and OBE. About...
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