Last night I had a very vivid, multi-sensory lucid dream. After a few minutes the visitor left. They dematerialised or whooshed away off my right hand side. With it came a sound I've heard before. It was a very quick but drawn out note or chord that seemed to become louder before disappearing. Previously I have had experiences when meditating, of a person's light body entering through the crown of my head, with a similar but lower and uncomfortable noise until they are in/ around me. They then proceeded to communicate through hand signals and images and gestures they made with my body. When they left there was a similar sound but much louder and I felt the being pulling away. It is almost as if a whole person is sucked in a vortex like manner down a plug hole. Once the last of the form disappears the noise ceases.
Last night, when the visitor appeared I said yes to it, in that I had a conversation, with the person We were face to face. It was therefore unlike the full body 'takeover' described above. It was a two way conversation and I could feel their physical body too. Then they left with a whoosh. Was I receiving an astral visitation from someone projecting directly to me? Does this low, quick, pulling noise sound familiar to anyone? If so, is this typical when being visited by someone performing astral projection?
Thank you in advance for your input, advice and guidance. I see these visitations (they are not infrequent but this is the most recent) as benign. I have no fear associated with them. I would just like to know what type of experience this is and whether the sound is somehow characteristic.