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Your Astral Experiences

My Obe Experience


I am from India and I am 19, I have been practicing Meditation irregularly since 2 years and recently heard about Astral Projection, last year I used to have a lot of sleep paralysis almost every midnight, and most of the times I felt like someone is pulling my hands and legs it was so frightening experience and I always resist to them, one day I had sleep paralysis, I didn't know about astral projection that time, I just imagined myself floating, I don't know it just came into my mind and I thought about flying and I actually felt I am floating over my bed and I did that for like 4-5 seconds and then I came back, it felt so real, and I recently heard about astral projection, so thought it might be really I was out of my body, so I have been regularly practicing the astral projection for some weeks, and this morning I have experienced something like that, I practice astral projection everyday, and it was the time about 04:00-05:00 A.M., I woke up and I was feeling almost I am in sleep paralysis, and I just thought why not give it a try now, and I imagined myself lifting out of the body and it happened, I was again floating in my room, the curtain of my room was drawn to sides and I could the hall someone sitting in my couch, it was so dark, but that person was looking at me I couldn't see who was it, it was so dark all I know was someone sitting there, I got scared and closed my eyes and I automatically felt like I am returning to my body, it felt real, and when I woke up, I saw the curtain was closed... I don't know whether it was really astral projection or my hallucination, because when I felt like OBE, the curtain was drawn to sides but when I came back to my body the curtain was closed and couldn't see outside the room... I don't know what happened, I want to know whether it was really astral projection? Or just a mind game?

Comments about this astral experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Linkinparkakash, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Linkinparkakash (1 stories) (6 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
[at] Mukhtar, oh, thank you for the advice, I'll remember from now on. Have a nice journey. 😊
Mukhtar (guest)
5 years ago (2019-11-26)
When you move out of your body you will feel or can listen the sounds of entities (ghosts) try to control yourself that time and go to astral travel have a nice journey☺️
Linkinparkakash (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-10)
Oh, thank you very much for your comment, it made me happy, I will follow your advice, and do you really feel that I'll be a good astral traveler? Thank you very much for that I'm so glad to hear that.
Ankitresearcher (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-19)
Trust yourself, have some shielding and protection and if possible increase the frequency of your meditation!

I feel you will be a good astral Traveller!
Thanks for sharing the experience!
Linkinparkakash (1 stories) (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-03)
Thank you very much for your comment it helped me, and I've researched about my experience and I found out it was astral projection, and I'll gladly take your advice for love and compassion to eliminate my fear. And thank you so much for help! Namaste!
Chaski (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-29)
Trust yourself! It seems there is something to be learned from this. And your OBE seems like astral projecting to me! Read about other people's astral experiences and compare what you relate to. Meditation on the person you saw may help you. Even though it is scary, the you can overcome the fear if you approach the situation with love and compassion.

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