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Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is this taking so long?
- When are you best able to leave your body?
- What does it feel like?
- What tools do you use?
- What do you do when you are out of your body?
- What about past lives?
- How do I get around?
- What lies ahead?
- Since you can time travel, can you go to the past and change something or, learn from the future, to effect the present?
- You had said that there is an image of every physical object in the astral. Can you touch or change a particular object in the astral? Say, if it is a piece of paper, can you write? If you can, will it be in the altered condition when you return to the physical world?
- How clear are your visions when you astral project/remote view?
- Can you see yourself when you astral travel? How do you look? What clothes are you wearing (same as in the physical plane?) etc?
- When you project or remote view, can you see any person in the world? Suppose you do it for me, can you see what I am doing at any given point of time? If so, can you tell me what dress I am wearing now or what dress I will be wearing two days later?
- When you remote view, by just taking the name of the person, can you see the person? Is it possible that you see some other person with the same name?
- When you are in the astral world, can you meet people in the physical world? If so, can you communicate with them in any way?
- How do you communicate in the astral? What language do you use?
- Can you distinguish between a living person roaming the astral and a ghost?
- Someone had mentioned that there are several astral worlds to explore. How do these worlds look? What if you took a camera and took pictures?
- Can you astral travel to other planets and solar systems? If so, have you seen life there?
- Are there any sub-humans in the astral?
- How do dead people look in appearance? Can you touch them? Can ghosts physically harm you i.e. push you or throw something at you?
- Are people generally good in the astral world or are there nasty elements too?
- Can you speak with the dead people that you meet?
- After death, when does one finish a birth and enter the next? Do all people end up wandering as ghosts for a while before they go on to their next birth?
- Why don't the dead come and make their presence felt if they are there and can see us? Have you known of cases where the dead have helped or guided the living?
- Does the soul have a name (an inner name) - something like a permanent name that does not ever change?
- Since you are able to view the past, present and future concurrently, isn't it strange that everything is already pre-destined for us? And if this is true, then does this mean that we have actually no part to play of our own. Are we merely puppets performing a certain fixed role?
- How powerful is the will of the human mind? Is it so powerful that it can change destiny? E.g. suppose a person is not destined to have a house of his own, he perseveres and struggles and somehow with sheer determination manages to have a house for himself. Can he actually do that or was he only able to do that because he was actually destined to do it.
- Are you clear about the "purpose of your life" i.e. what you are supposed to do in this birth?
- Has knowing you past life helped you in understanding your present birth?
- Do you see the karmic cycle of what-you-do-is-what-you-get in life demonstrated clearly in people's life (since you know your past lives)?
- How accurately can you predict? How sure can you be of what you see? Is there a possibility of your seeing something wrong?
- If you can see things very clearly, then why don't you demonstrate it by way of accurate predictions for non-believers?
- Do you think that astral travel is a god's boon to you or do you think that with sufficient knowledge and practice anyone can do it?
- Can you see the aura of a person?
- Do you have ESP or a well-developed intuitive power? By looking at a person can you judge how he or she is? (Trying to ascertain how other faculties get affected after achieving astral travel)
- How do psychics work and how different are they from your approach to seeing things in the future? Are you more, or less, accurate than a psychic?
Why is this taking so long?
I found that my obstacles were numerous, but all related to self, as are all obstacles; I wasn't taking the time to practice; I was trying at night (which meant I mostly fell asleep), I was trying too hard, and lastly, I wasn't ready. What do I mean by me not being ready? I mean that I was impatient, demanding immediate results, and because this wasn't happening according to my self inflicted timeline, I was then throwing away my efforts, excusing the obvious facts, and my new found reality. So many of us demand answers and results now, but there is no race to spirituality, advancement, or knowledge. It will happen as you are ready, not as you demand it. Relax.
Also, I tell people that this is like a muscle which we have not used, so it has atrophied. If you were to spend your whole life in a wheelchair, would you expect that you could walk immediately? It takes a lot of work and practice to develop this "muscle".
When are you best able to leave your body?
Primarily in the morning. Even Robert Monroe went through several sleep cycles before he left his body. If you do it at night, you are usually too tired and will fall into a deep slumber. Unfortunately, most of us cannot sleep-in, except for weekends, but that's how it is. When I won the daily lottery via astral projection, it was because it was snowing outside and I didn't have to go to work that day.
What does it feel like?
There is an unmistakable feel to leaving your body. You are very lucid and it has no dream qualities about it. When you lift your limbs, you can feel them rising. They are your limbs at that point, not the inanimate flesh on the bed.
What tools do you use?
What really started me on my path to success was the Gateway series tapes by the Monroe Institute. Also, read as much as you can because you want to saturate your subconscious mind with the topic. Whatever you dwell on, it will eventually come forth in your consciousness. I also use affirmations and keep a dream journal. And starting this year, I began research into neodymium earch magnets as an aid.
What do you do when you are out of your body?
First, I went to the moon. Often when you leave your body you see astral matter that is not visible to the physical eye. When I went to the moon I was greeted by a man I didn't know and then he showed me around a "compound" where people (mainly men, I think) used this facility, but for what, I don't know. It had a sterile feel to it though. What is it you want to do? I find that the astral is pretty much unlimited. You decide what and where you want to go and then state your desire. I do this a lot. For example, if you want to see a friend, just say, "Take me to Cindy's house!"
What about past lives?
I've only done this once and it was interesting. I wasn't who I thought I'd be. I expressed the desire to see a past life and the next thing I knew I was a "fly boy" in a fighter plane during the last World War! My current best friend was also a pilot and a friend of mine as well. I plan on doing more past life regressions. I feel close to many cultures and time periods and want to explore that.
How do I get around?
At first I went by the physical route I knew so well, but this took too long and I became frustrated. I eventually just "thought" my way around and saved myself a lot of time!
What lies ahead?
Visiting distant galaxies, helping anyone who is interested, investigating past lives, healing, meeting guides/helpers and so forth. What isn't there to do?
Since you can time travel, can you go to the past and change something or, learn from the future, to effect the present?
This is a revolving question and would take a volume to explain, of which I am not the person to do that. If I tell you that you are going to wear red tomorrow, you can express free will and wear blue.
You had said that there is an image of every physical object in the astral. Can you touch or change a particular object in the astral? Say, if it is a piece of paper, can you write? If you can, will it be in the altered condition when you return to the physical world?
The astral counterpart is exactly that. For example, once in the astral, I picked up a lipstick and drew something on the bathroom mirror, but it was not there in the physical. I have heard of cases where electric objects can be affected by the astral. All things can be changed in the astral but whether they will be changed in the physical depends on how close vibrationally you are to the physical. I have read that things exist in the astral because of our thoughts, and how long that remains in the astral depends on how much it is thought about. For example, mass religion may construct a "heaven" which becomes almost a permanent place in the astral because of so many millions of continual thoughts; whereas the lipstick I drew on the mirror will not be there after a few hours. That is why you can sometimes see furniture in your room that is not your own. It is probably the previous owner's furniture, which has its own imprint that has remained, and will take months to years to fade.
How clear are your visions when you astral project/remote view?
These are very clear. When you bi-locate during remote viewing, your consciousness is literally at the target. It is no different than being there in the physical (see Glossary for a breakdown of terms like bi-locate and target). The astral, depending on what level you are on, is just as clear. The higher the level, the more brilliant. The lower levels tend to be "darker", and more dull in nature.
Can you see yourself when you astral travel? How do you look? What clothes are you wearing (same as in the physical plane?) etc?
I initially said that you could see yourself lying there on the bed, but I think that what we are really seeing is the etheric body. I don't think we can see the physical body because it's not of the same vibration (like I keep saying over and over... we see the astral counterpart of what is in the physical). I've gotten several e-mails where they can't see ANY body on the bed. That's because they are in both the astral and etheric vehicle so there's nothing to see on the bed! On a related note, I had a very strange astral experience once where I kept having the same dream over and over about tornadoes (twisted sisters). After about the 4th time that I dreamt this, I realized that it was a dream (lucid dream). I then created an astral "counterpart" of myself and left that counterpart to live out the dream so no one would worry and then my "self" flew away. I've never heard of anyone doing this before. As far as what you are wearing, I don't pay attention, but I don't feel naked.
When you project or remote view, can you see any person in the world? Suppose you do it for me, can you see what I am doing at any given point of time? If so, can you tell me what dress I am wearing now or what dress I will be wearing two days later?
Yes, you can see what you are wearing and what you'll be wearing two days into the future. The future is changeable though (see Time Travel).
When you remote view, by just taking the name of the person, can you see the person? Is it possible that you see some other person with the same name?
No, you see the person that you are trying to see. Your higher self knows all and will direct you to the correct person. I don't even have to have the name, just the intent. I once remote viewed a missing girl and I saw her perfectly even though there are probably many girls with the name of Erika Baker. The parents of the missing girl sent me her picture and it was a perfect match to what I had seen.
When you are in the astral world, can you meet people in the physical world? If so, can you communicate with them in any way?
Not typically because you have different vibrations which is why you can't see "ghosts" or people who are astral projecting. There are people who can project near the physical vibration rate and can be seen by others, and communicate as well, but this is rare (and usually unintentional).
How do you communicate in the astral? What language do you use?
Typically, your own language, but then there is what Robert Monroe calls a ROTE (thought ball) and it doesn't matter what language you speak, because it's all done telepathically.
Can you distinguish between a living person roaming the astral and a ghost?
Not always. Because you are both occupying the same space and you are both really just "ghosts". A ghost is simply a spirit without the body. Also, people have mentioned that they have been questioned by astral entities as to whether or not they had "bodies" in the physical which means some of them cannot tell as well. The only time I can tell is if I can "sense" that they have died.
Someone had mentioned that there are several astral worlds to explore. How do these worlds look? What if you took a camera and took pictures?
Not so much "worlds", but levels, each separated by vibrations. The higher the vibration, the finer the frequency (to the point that even the air sparkles). Then once you leave the astral, you then enter the mental and then so forth. Some levels are not visual in nature, just pure knowledge. You cannot take a camera because it is of a different vibration, and even if you could, the camera works off of a certain range of light particles, and the astral is totally different.
Can you astral travel to other planets and solar systems? If so, have you seen life there?
I've been to the moon, and when I described another location I had been to, someone said it was Mars (dome shaped buildings and a dark, shadowy atmosphere--like inside Mars). The life you see there is not physical, but astral (the life on Mars may have been physical, but not detected by our current technology. When I went to the moon, there was a structure there that was no longer inhabited, but when it was, it was by humans (mainly men). It appeared to be some sort of compound. I couldn't tell what.
Are there any sub-humans in the astral?
You bet! And if you astral project, and stay near the lower astral worlds, you are bound to run into them. Some call them parasites, but I only run into them when I am just leaving my body and am close to the physical world. As soon as I raise my vibrations, they cannot enter the higher worlds.
How do dead people look in appearance? Can you touch them? Can ghosts physically harm you i.e. push you or throw something at you?
Dead people can have many appearances. It has been commented over and over that the higher their vibration, the more they appear like a radiant star. Once you tune into their frequencies they will look younger than when they died, free of any physical defects. They also have various garments on. You can touch them in the astral and this can be a very warming experience.
Are people generally good in the astral world or are there nasty elements too?
Both. After a cycle on earth, the spirits leave the physical and have to inhabit another locale, and what they were here, may be what they will be there. People are not "bad", but instead are judged that way because they are hurt, confused, afraid, shamed, and so forth. When they leave this physical life, they have a chance to heal before they begin another. People also get to see the wrongs they have done to others, and I hear this is a very painful process.
Can you speak with the dead people that you meet?
Yes and No. Depending on where each of you are at vibrationally. I tried to speak to my dead step mother, but she wasn't able to communicate back with me. It was all non-verbal.
After death, when does one finish a birth and enter the next? Do all people end up wandering as ghosts for a while before they go on to their next birth?
No. People only wander around the earth if they are lost, confused, clinging to the material world (or to a person who has not died yet) and so forth. There are many places and people to experience in the afterlife. We chose our next incarnation at our own pace after we review what we accomplished and what didn't get learned. This can be a short while, or a century in physical life terms (time is non-existent once in the astral or higher planes). It may not necessarily be here on earth. When you finish your physical earth cycle, you will go to the next plane of existence, never to return to earth (unless you chose to in order to teach, lead, heal, etc.) Going through the earth cycles can take a thousand lifetimes or just several. That is up to us. That is why it is so important to not cling to material goods, to carry fear and hatred in our hearts. All of the spiritual figures throughout our history have taught the same thing; the true meaning of life is love for one another and ourselves. All things that we pursue to make us temporarily happy are unnecessary in the long run, and are only obstacles that keep us from our true path of enlightenment.
Why don't the dead come and make their presence felt if they are there and can see us? Have you known of cases where the dead have helped or guided the living?
They do make their presence felt. There are countless stories of people visiting live relatives shortly after they have died, helped them in time of need, spoke to them in their dreams and so forth.
Does the soul have a name (an inner name) - something like a permanent name that does not ever change?
God. What I mean by that is, is that God created us, fills us, and never dies, just as we never die. In our final process, we unite with God and are God.
Since you are able to view the past, present and future concurrently, isn't it strange that everything is already pre-destined for us? And if this is true, then does this mean that we have actually no part to play of our own. Are we merely puppets performing a certain fixed role?
God gave us free will so our future is as we make it. You have an ultimate destiny, but how you walk on the path towards that destiny is up to you. Someone once said, "It's not what is done or said to you, it's how you react." I also read recently that our lives are like blank sheets of paper and how we react to situations colors that paper. What is done to us is neither good or bad, just neutral.
How powerful is the will of the human mind? Is it so powerful that it can change destiny? E.g. suppose a person is not destined to have a house of his own, he perseveres and struggles and somehow with sheer determination manages to have a house for himself. Can he actually do that or was he only able to do that because he was actually destined to do it?
The power of the mind is infinite. When we clear ourselves of our blocks (fear, judgment, hatred, negativity) we can then overcome anything. Miracles of old will be miracles of today.
Are you clear about the "purpose of your life" i.e. what you are supposed to do in this birth?
I am personally very clear on my path. If you want to know what it is, I'll tell you briefly; we are here to learn and love. We cannot move beyond this physical realm until we learn about ourselves. Every action we take to help our fellow man, helps ourselves. The highest moral you can have is love. There are also different soul purposes while here on earth; there are the teachers, caretakers, healers, leaders, guides and learners. My role is the teacher.
Has knowing you past life helped you in understanding your present birth?
Looking at your past life will help show you some of the lessons you are to learn. If you see yourself repeating the same behavior, this can help you focus on your goals. We are here but a short while, so we need to use our time wisely. There is no race to spirituality, but if we can take the short road, that would be nice.
Do you see the karmic cycle of what-you-do-is-what-you-get in life demonstrated clearly in people's life (since you know your past lives)?
I had a dream once that my step-mother (who was unkind to me in the physical) did me a kind service in a dream. I was very happy and grateful for the service that she had done. At that moment, a message was sent to me saying that his was done to help undue a wrong she had done me during her physical life. I would say this is karmic cycle in process.
How accurately can you predict? How sure can you be of what you see? Is there a possibility of your seeing something wrong?
Some things are very clear, and some are symbolic. Half my dreams that are psychic are of a symbolic nature. I dreamt once that my boss was packing his truck with all of his personal belongings and I was so upset I cried. When I went to work the next day, he had been fired and in his outbasket were all of his credit cards and access keys. While he did not literally "pack his truck" he had been fired and his things had been removed. You cannot always be sure of what you see. For example, all the doomsday predictions at the millennium created a lot of astral debris. Remember, what we think about gets created in the astral (and the longer it stays there when there is mass thought concentrating on it). So I saw comets, earthquakes and tidal waves in my dreams, but non of which happened. If there was a sure-fire way to know all of this, I'd be retired!
If you can see things very clearly, then why don't you demonstrate it by way of accurate predictions for non-believers?
We are not here on earth to make non-believers believers. Otherwise you would spend your whole life forcing your will on others and that is not why you are here. You are only here to experience things for yourself. Their truths will become self evident when they are ready. Does it matter if so and so doesn't believe? I still believe and that's all that matters to me. It is ego when we try and show and prove to everyone about our talents.
Do you think that astral travel is a God's boon to you or do you think that with sufficient knowledge and practice anyone can do it?
We all do it, just most people do not retain a conscious memory of it.
Can you see the aura of a person?
I just recently started to see the human aura (April, 2000). I saw the color green around a co-worker and then looked up green and it matched his personality exactly.
Do you have ESP or a well-developed intuitive power? By looking at a person can you judge how he or she is? (Trying to ascertain how other faculties get affected after achieving astral travel)
I have both, but they are sporadic. When we all look at people, the intuition is layered with our own beliefs and judgments. When you strip all of those, you would be much more inclined to see the real person. There are not too many people who can put 100% of their judgment aside. We judge everything, even subconsciously; their sex, age, religion, background, attire, mannerisms, and so forth.
How do psychics work and how different are they from your approach to seeing things in the future? Are you more, or less, accurate than a psychic?
Psychics, like any gifted person, are usually born that way (but any one of us can also increase our own inborn skills). They are pretty much doing the same thing as remote viewers. They pick up something about you and see pictures, sounds, etc. Accuracy varies.

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